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Release - 28th September 2020

Latest and greatest feature releases from the Goki team.

Updated over 3 years ago


  • Goki releases updates & features daily, larger features are released at the end of our 2-week Sprints & Epics (game changers) are released monthly.

  • Check out Goki Feature Board! Do you have a feature request? Contact the support team and we will set you up!


  • Set localized date format - You can now choose the format of dates across the dashboard.

  • Spaces sort locks by nearby (MasterKey) - When using Spaces to open rooms, Goki will sort by nearby rooms in "Quick" selection, making it easier to find the lock you are trying to open - Pending App store release

  • Create room mappings automatically - Available for Mews you can either import & create rooms or import, create rooms & map rooms automatically.

  • Fortnightly activities - Fortnightly repeating option has been added to Activities

  • Take a photo of the visa in check-in - You can enable Visa image upload to be mandatory during the Goki check-in process

  • Customize Guest Notifications - You can customize the text on notifications throughout the Goki App


You may not see some features in Dashboard. If something is missing please ask your owner/admin to enable the permissions on your account.

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