Goki releases updates & features daily, larger features are released at the end of our 2-week Sprints & Epics (game changers) are released monthly.
Check out Goki Feature Board! Do you have a feature request? Contact the support team and we will set you up!
Property Rules: Property rules are now shown on the Goki Application after the check-in process is done as well as in the check-in email.
Instagram Integration: Share your awesome photos from your Instagram account on the Goki app and share your moments. Check this article for more.
Block Accounts: You can now report and block certain users on the Goki app.
Lock & SmartKey Load Test: You can now troubleshoot and test your Lock & SmartKeys functionality through the Chief app.
We also have updated our UI design and fixed some UI issues and functionalities on the Chief app.
We're still working on these features:
Mailchimp Integration
Multilingual Dashboard
Improved Search System
You may not see some features in the Dashboard. If something is missing please ask your owner/admin to enable the permissions on your account.