Goki releases updates & features daily, larger features are released at the end of our 2-week Sprints & Epics (game changers) are released monthly.
Check out Goki Feature Board! Do you have a feature request? Contact the support team and we will set you up!
Updated Freeze/Unfreeze SmartKey of a Reservation: You can now temporarily or permanently disable or freeze the SmartKey of one's reservation from the Dashboard.
Added Dark Mode Support for Applications: You can now choose your favorite theme on all the applications.
Added Mailchimp Integration: With this new integration, you are now free to customize all your automated e-mails the way you want them to be.
We are still working on and improving:
3d party integration improvements
Automation Engine
You may not see some features in Dashboard. If something is missing please ask your owner/admin to enable the permissions on your account.