Spaces app is a versatile workspace application for Goki that you can install on your smartphone or tablet. With this app, staff members can efficiently manage and monitor property rooms, connect Goki hardware, generate guest PINs, manage access, and much more!
You need to set up a profile on the Goki Dashboard before proceeding.
You will need any Android/iOS device.
Download Spaces App
Spaces App is free for everybody.
Visit "Google Play" for Android.
Or "App Store" for IOS.
Search "Goki Spaces" and Download.
To access the Spaces app all you need is to log in using your Goki dashboard account credentials, you don't need to create new credentials. Follow these steps:
Open the App & press the "Continue" button.
For your login information enter the same credentials as the Goki dashboard.
Choose your property.
Congratulations! You are logged in.
Reset Password
If you forgot your password, you can reset it from the Spaces app itself. Follow these steps to do so:
Press the "Reset" Button under the password gap.
Enter your account email address.
Follow the link in your email.
Create a new password and press the "Save Password" button.
You can also set up the Goki dashboard from the web app here.
If you don't have an account in Goki, you can sign up and create your property via the Space App too. Learn More