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GokiAir Overview

With GokiAir you will be able to remotely manage your hardware via Goki Dashboard and Spaces App without Bluetooth and location permissions.

Updated over 7 months ago

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

GokiAir let you manage your SmartAccess devices remotely from anywhere while they are connected to the internet. With the help of GokiAir, you can manage your devices remotely without being in close range of the lock.

For more information on how to connect the GokiAirs, please click here.

2. Supported Features

  1. Change the Admin PIN, a unique 4-digit PIN for each lock created manually while setting up the lock, so you can update it using GokiAir.

  2. Adjust the time for Lock if there is some delay and the time is incorrect. Time should always be valid for Lock to function correctly.

  3. Manage Pins (More about PIN types)

    1. Add/Remove 4 digit (labeled) PIN via GokiAir.

    2. Remove One-time PIN via GokiAir.

    3. Enable/ Disable Random PIN via GokiAir.

    4. Enable/Disable reservation PIN via GokiAir.

  4. Manage Tags - Add/remove tags using GokiAir. This action works after the Tags are added already via Bluetooth in the system by putting them on the lock itself during connecting process.

  5. Open Locks Using GokiAir

    • As a staff with “Rooms and common area doors” permission, you are able to open doors remotely.

      • To unlock the door, tap on an unlock button in the Space app/ Room details.

      • Make Sure the option for "Remote Unlock" is enabled from Locks Menu.

      • Bluetooth can be disabled.

  6. Shorter PIN for room and Same Room PIN on Common Area

    • Goki is supposed to use logic to generate memorable 4-digit PINs after guests are checked-in.


  1. GokiAir devices use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet, communicate with the Goki server, and use Bluetooth to communicate with the lock.

  2. GokiAir does not have a limitation on lock count.

  3. GokiAirs should be placed every 10 meters (at least) without any obstructions, the Goki Air signal will depend on the walls and building structure. You may need one per corridor or one per smoke alarm.

  4. Without a GokiAir, features are only supported by Spaces App via Bluetooth ( only random PIN and one-time PIN can be generated via Goki Dashboard without Gokiair, but to disable it Gokiair is required if not available must use Spaces app and Bluetooth)

  5. If you connect a GokiAir which is connected to another property, you will see this information on the App and you can ask the Support team to remove it.

3. GokiAir Status:

a. 81-100% Perfect

b. 61-80% Good

c. 41-60% Medium

d. <= 40% Weak

The lock is offline (no Gokiair or WI-FI available)

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