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Group Check-in

In this article we will cover group check in, how it's done, and the procedures.

Updated over 4 months ago

Goki supports both single and group reservations, providing detailed information for each booking, including the PMS number, room/bed assignment, and more. These are the main differences between single and group reservations:

  • Single Reservations:

    • Guests will see only one reservation number during the check-in process.

    • This streamlined approach ensures a quick and straightforward check-in.

  • Group Reservations:

    • Guests will see a list of multiple reservation numbers during check-in.

    • Each guest needs to select their specific reservation from the list, ensuring accurate check-in for all members of the group.

This system ensures that all reservation details are displayed and accessible, whether for individual guests or groups, enhancing the overall check-in experience.


  1. The check-in link that is sent to the guests via email is the pre-check-in link, it doesn't check the guests in, instead, it just helps complete check-in information in advance to make the check-in process faster and easier at the property on the day of arrival.

  2. When the guests arrive at the property they need to pass the check-in process and fill out the check-in form unless you check them in manually on the Dashboard.

  3. The PIN email will be sent to the email address that is written in the check-in form of arrival, no matter under which email the group booking is made.

  4. You can customize your check-in info here: Settings > Marketplace >
    All Apps > Arrival > Customize Check-in Form.

  5. Check autopilot to send all proper emails to the guests.

Check-in Process

  1. Use the Tablet Arrival or scan the property's QR code to begin the check-in process.

  2. Provide the reservation number and last name and fill in all required fields for the main guest and any companions.

    1. For group reservations, select the appropriate reservation from the list.

    2. For single reservations, proceed directly to the main guest form.

  3. Then fill in all fields asked about the main guest & companions during the check-in process.

  4. If the room is ready and there is no owing (or the PMS Owing Checking toggle is off) they will be checked in.


  • Companions won't get a PIN email, but the guests who are checked in can go through the checked-in process again and fill in check-in info, at the end below the "Already checked-in!" message there is an "Enter an email address" link, So by filling the email they can send the PIN to the companion or anyone else.

  • The guests can ask staff to send the PIN email too.

  • Also, a companion can claim the booking from Goki App with the same reservation number, as this reservation has a capacity for 2 people or more, so the companion can use PIN and SmartKey too.

Note for group reservations

  • For the other reservations in a group, you need to repeat the check-in steps individually.

  • When the guests are redirected to the "Select your reservation" page in the check-in process, for the reservation that is already checked in you can see the "View" button instead of the "Continue" button.

  • Guests can claim their own reservation from the Goki App, but they should use their own confirmation number, as group reservations have different reservation numbers, so the companion can use PIN and SmartKey too.

Note (Related to the staff about collecting phone numbers and birthdates)

  • Goki will collect phone numbers through the Arrival App, so if needed you can call them or send an SMS

Note (Related to the guests about collecting phone numbers and birthdates)

  • Phone numbers can be collected via the Goki App too

  • If the user has a valid saved number it will be prefill through check-in

  • If there is a valid saved number on the reservation it will be prefill through check-in

  • When guests enter the full number, the code will be filled automatically (start with +)

  • Guests can search in countries by name country phone code or the country's native name

  • Goki still suggests property country (pre-field country code based on property city which is added on Goki dashboard/settings) and user hometown country if the user hasn’t typed anything in the search

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